2022 Financial statements

In 2022, ActionAid reaffirmed its commitment to combating gender-based violence, promoting social inclusion, fighting poverty, defending rights and the fair distribution of resources and opportunities at local, national and international levels.

As ActionAid, we worked together to take action where it was needed most, recognizing that in emergencies it is often women and girls who suffer the most serious consequences. In 2022, many people in Switzerland showed great solidarity by supporting our projects for the benefit of women and girls, young people and communities most in need.

Our resources

At the global level, in 2022 we operated in 45 countries, reaching more than 41 million people. These extraordinary results were achieved thanks to the efforts of more than 3,300 collaborators, the majority of whom were women. In addition, we worked together with 2,749 local partners, 379 social movements and 479 networks in the territories.

All of this has been possible also thanks to the invaluable contribution of more than 6,500 supporters in Switzerland, who have begun to promote our cause and renewed their trust in ActionAid by continuing to support our projects alongside the most vulnerable communities.




Stories of change
