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Andrea’s and Lurdes’ story

Solidarity is one of the fundamental values ​​that ActionAid promotes in Switzerland and in the world.
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My name is Rani, I'm thirty years old and I survived my husband.
Economic independence allows me to be free.
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“I escaped child marriage. Now I campaign against this terrible practice.”
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Dora’s story

“Climate becomes more unpredictable every year”
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Fatou’s story

We are suffering because of a climate change caused by others
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It was a family tradition.
I understood the negative consequences and now I try to convince the communities to stop practicing FGM.
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In my village girls' education was of little concern.
But thanks to ActionAid I won a best student award!
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My husband used to drink a lot, and when he came home, he would beat me for no reason.
ActionAid awareness meetings changed my life.
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