Friend of ActionAid

A commitment beyond our borders to support our projects in the Southern hemisphere.

When we speak of people suffering from hunger, children who don’t go to school, women who are only allowed to obey, populations decimated by disease, we’re not speaking about tragic accidents. We’re speaking about denied rights, injustice and the precise responsibilities of governments and multinationals.

That is why we think that poverty can be defeated. We have been working alongside communities in the Southern hemisphere for over 45 years, acting together on the causes that have led to their situation. However, at the same time, we make a commitment, so that more and more people take our side, so that governments keep their promises, so that companies adopt ethical behaviour that respects the dignity and rights of everyone, no one excluded.


Thanks to the funds raised through the Friend of ActionAid project, we have been able to achieve the following results:

  • We have sent over 500,000 children to school.
  • We have guaranteed food to 650,000 people who were suffering from hunger.
  • In Sierra Leone and Liberia, we have rescued 583,000 people affected by the Ebola epidemic.
  • In Nepal, we have supported 100,000 earthquake victims by providing food, hygiene kits and temporary shelters.
  • In the Philippines, we have helped over 400,000 people affected by Cyclone Hayan.
  • We have reached 1.7 million people in a state of emergency.

Thanks for your support!

For more information:

Tel. + 41 91 9226542 - fax + 41 91 9226543 - Email:



Stories of change
